Subdivsion and Special Use Permits
PCFCD is mandated by Wyoming Statute 18-5-306 to provide recommendations for all proposed subdivisions. Subdivsion reviews include but are not limited to: soi lsuitability, land classification, current buildings and dwellings, sewage infrastructure, and erosion control. PCFCD does not have the authority to approve or disapprove a subdivision. Completed subdivision soil reviews are provided to the requester and Park County Planning and Zoning. Each request must be approved by PCFCD board members before information is released.
The cost is $75.00 and payment is due upon request of review.
If you are looking to request a subdvision review or a special use permit review; please download and print the applicable form below and submit the form and payment by mail PCFCD 1017 Hwy 14A Powell, WY 82435 or drop it off at our office located inside the USDA building at 1017 Hwy 14A.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at (307)271-3125.
Special Use Permit Form.pdfSubdivisonReviewForm.pdfWeb soil Survey.pptx